Light sources and detectors

Demanding measuring tasks in gas and process technology require efficient, tailor-made components. We develop light sources and detectors for spectroscopy systems, each meeting specific requirements. These include miniaturized IR emitters and non-linear frequency converters such as optical parametric oscillators (OPO), SHG modules and frequency mixers based on continuous wave lasers. In close cooperation with the Laboratory for Optical Systems at the University of Freiburg, we develop frequency converters and recently also frequency combs for frequency comb spectroscopy.


Nonlinear frequency conversion


We use frequency converters to generate single-frequency radiation across a broad spectral range.


Infrared radiators

We develop miniaturized components such as modulated infrared emitters or detectors using microsystems technology.


Frequency combs


Frequency combs are a novel, promising tool for measuring gases quickly and with a broad bandwidth. Even several different gases can be detected with one single measurement.