Imaging fluorescence measurement technology

Using the fluorescence of coatings or contaminations for measurements

While oil, grease and polymers are often used as coatings, they can also contaminate components. Autofluorescence is a way of detecting whether a component is covered or contaminated with one of these substances: They glow when irradiated with light. Violet or ultraviolet light in particular can be used to detect organic materials with great sensitivity.

To employ fluorescence in measurement technology, the component’s surface must be illuminated using a strong light source, such as a laser or an LED. Optical filters will then separate the fluorescent light from the short-wave excitation light. The fluorescent light is then detected by cameras or even more sensitive detectors.

Fluorescence measurement technology on the production line

Fluorescence measurement technology is a powerful quality control method – whether for detecting contaminations or checking the accuracy of coatings. Checking surfaces or coatings for organic contamination is becoming more and more important, in particular in the production of high-tech components. For example, surfaces need to be contamination-free for sensitive processes such as galvanizing or bonding. The same applies to vacuum or sterile applications. In turn, surface coatings are essential for processes such as deep drawing or mold parting components.

Fraunhofer IPM develops highly sensitive, very fast and robust fluorescence imaging systems for a range of very different applications, both for integration in production lines and for use in laboratories. Examples include 100 percent checks of oiled sheets in the production of vehicle body parts or devices for detecting even minute contaminations on electronic housing components. The dedicated software solutions enable the presentation and processing of data at the rate of production. Mechanics, optics, electronics, software and interfaces are customized for both laboratory equipment and production line systems.

Laser scanner or camera system?

Our F-Scanner systems combine highly-sensitive, laser-excited fluorescence measurement with laser scanning to enable large-scale and fast imaging. A violet laser beam is moved over the component surface by a deflection unit., while fluorescence is being detected simultaneously. Based on the measurement data, the software generates a high-resolution image of contaminations or coatings on the component surface.

Smaller components of up to 100 cm² are inspected using the high-resolution F-Camera system for even greater detail. This system allows for the combination of fluorescence with other imaging techniques to detect particles or defects, producing highly conclusive image data.

Both systems are available in several versions – always tailor-made for a specific application – for use in laboratories, stationary inline use or even robotics applications. For the inspection of bulk mass-produced parts, Fraunhofer IPM offers fluorescence measurement in free fall, which scans all sides of a component simultaneously without complex handling. The method can be combined with a detailed geometry inspection.

Applications »Imaging Fluorescence Measurement Technology«



Measuring surface cleanliness – inspecting coatings



Imaging inspection of cleanliness and coating


Inspect-360° F

100 percent coating and cleanliness inspection in free fall

Publications »Imaging fluorescence measurement technology«

Publication Type
2024 ECOSENSE - Multi-scale quantification and modelling of spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem processes by smart autonomous sensor networks
Werner, Christiane; Wallrabe, Ulrike; Christen, Andreas; Comella, Laura Maria; Dormann, Carsten; Göritz, Anna; Grote, Rüdiger; Haberstroh, Simon; Jouda, Mazin; Kiese, Ralf; Koch, Barbara; Korvink, Jan; Kreuzwieser, Jürgen; Lang, Friederike; Müller, Julian; Prucker, Oswald; Reiterer, Alexander; Rühe, Jürgen; Rupitsch, Stefan; Schack-Kirchner, Helmer; Schmitt, Katrin; Stobbe, Nina; Weiler, Markus; Woias, Peter; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2024 Erfassung und Klassifizierung von extrahierten Partikeln
Kardamaki, Evangelia; Buchta, Dominic; Blättermann, Alexander; Carl, Daniel
Journal Article
2024 Corrigendum to "A fiber-optical fluorescence sensor for in-line determination of cleanliness during CIP processes" [Food Bioprod. Process. 137 (2023) 56–63]
Behrendt, Vivien; Blättermann, Alexander; Brandenburg, Albrecht
2024 Lückenlose Reinheitsprüfung mit Laserscannern
Blättermann, Alexander; Buchta, Dominic; Behrendt, Vivien
Journal Article
2023 Vollständige Prüfung metallischer Bauteile mittels Fluoreszenz
Behrendt, Vivien; Buchta, Dominic; Blättermann, Alexander
Journal Article
2023 In-line fluorescence detector for production control in robot-driven environments
Behrendt, Vivien; Buchta, Dominic; Adolph, Stefan; Lutz, Christian; Scherer, Jens; Blättermann, Alexander
Conference Paper
2023 A fiber-optical fluorescence sensor for in-line determination of cleanliness during CIP processes
Behrendt, Vivien; Blättermann, Alexander; Brandenburg, Albrecht
Journal Article
2021 Auch komplexe Bauteile schnell ortsaufgelöst prüfen
Blättermann, Alexander; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Buchta, Dominic; Carl, Daniel; Boinski, Christiane; Gehrke, Jörg
Journal Article
2021 Quantifizierung geringster Verunreinigungen
Blättermann, Alexander; Buchta, Dominic; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Carl, Daniel; Boinski, Christiane; Gehrke, Jörg
Journal Article
2021 Quantifizierung geringster Verunreinigungen
Blättermann, Alexander; Buchta, Dominic; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Carl, Daniel; Boinski, Christiane; Gehrke, Jörg
Journal Article
2021 Fluoreszenzscanner für die ortsaufgelöste und quantitative Inline-Detektion filmischer Verunreinigungen zur Qualitätssicherung in Beschichtungsprozessen (Scan4Coat). Schlussbericht
Blättermann, Alexander; Boinski, Christiane
2021 Qualitätssicherung bei der Reinigung von Metalloberflächen
Blättermann, Alexander; Buchta, Dominic; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Carl, Daniel; Knospe, Alexander
Journal Article
2020 Quantitative bildgebende Oberflächenanalyse mittels Multiparameter-Fluorometrie
Holz, Philipp
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Quantitative Measurement of Fluorescent Layers with Respect to Spatial Thickness Variations and Substrate Properties
Holz, Philipp; Pönisch, Christoph; Brandenburg, Albrecht
Journal Article
2019 Calibration of systems for quantitative fluorescence analysis of thin layers
Holz, Philipp; Brandenburg, Albrecht
Journal Article
2019 Fluorescence laser scanner for in-line inspection of functional coatings in metal processing industries
Holz, Philipp; Brandenburg, Albrecht
Conference Paper
2018 Ortsaufgelöste Messung filmischer Verunreinigungen
Holz, Philipp; Brandenburg, Albrecht
Journal Article
2017 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Erfassen von Ablagerungen an einer Innenseite einer Wand eines Behältnisses oder Rohres
Brandenburg, Albrecht
2017 Optical scanner system for high resolution measurement of lubricant distributions on metal strips based on laser induced fluorescence
Holz, Philipp; Lutz, Christian; Brandenburg, Albrecht
Conference Paper
2016 Kleinste Verunreinigungen werden sichtbar
Brandenburg, Albrecht; Holz, Philipp
Journal Article
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