Structural and materials analysis

We examine the structure and properties of conventional and functional materials while making use of state-of-the-art, high-performance measuring systems. Material processing prior to analysis is handled in our preparation lab.


3D CT and SEM

We cover the entire process chain for analyzing the microstructure of materials and components: from preparation and measurement with high-end equipment to evaluation of material structure.



Analysis of solid state materials

We investigate conventional and functional materials, e.g. for thermoelectrics, calorics, coating or semiconductor technology.


Measuring under extreme conditions

In the harsh environment laboratory, we test sensors under extreme conditions.


Thermoelectric measurement lab

We provide measurement technology and know-how for characterizing thermoelectric modules with regard to efficiency, long-term stability and thermoelectric properties.

Publications »Structural and materials analysis«

Publication Type
2023 About the Impact of Defect Phases on the Thermoelectric Properties of Cr3S4-xSex
Groß, Hendrik; Groeneveld, Dennis; Poschmann, Michael; Schürmann, Ulrich; König, Jan; Bensch, Wolfgang; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Kienle, Lorenz
Journal Article
2022 Time-dependent investigation of a mechanochemical synthesis of bismuth telluride-based materials and their structural and thermoelectric properties
Groeneveld, Dennis; König, Jan D.; Poschmann, Michael; Groß, Hendrik; Bensch, Wolfgang; Kienle, Lorenz; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2022 Does Low-Level Substitution Aid in Improving Thermoelectric Properties? A Case Study of M0.1Ni0.9Cr2S4 (M = Mn, In)
Groß, Hendrik; Poschmann, Michael; Groeneveld, Dennis; König, Jan D.; Kienle, Lorenz; Bensch, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2022 Does a Low Amount of Substituents Improve the Thermoelectric Properties of Cr2-xMxS3 (M = Ti, V, Sn)?
Groß, Hendrik; Ekici, Yeliz; Poschmann, Michael; Groeneveld, Dennis; Dankwort, Torben; König, Jan; Bensch, Wolfgang; Kienle, Lorenz
Journal Article
2021 High Power Density Thermoelectric Generators with Skutterudites
El Oualid, Soufiane; Kogut, Iurii R.; Benyahia, Mohamed; Geczi, Eugen; Kruck, Uwe; Kosior, Francis; Masschelein, Philippe; Candolfi, Christophe; Dauscher, Anne; König, Jan D.; Jacquot, Alexandre; Caillat, Thierry; Alleno, Eric; Lenoir, Bertrand
Journal Article
2020 Synthesis, characterization and thermoelectric performance of Mg2(Si,Sn,Ge) materials using Si-kerf waste from photovoltaic technology
Mesaritis, George; Symeou, Elli; Delimitis, Andreas; Constantinou, Marios; Constantinides, Georgios; Jägle, Martin; Tarantik, Karina; Kyratsi, Theodora
Journal Article
2020 Van der Pauw device used to investigate the thermoelectric power factor
Haupt, Sebastian; Edler, Frank; Bartel, Markus; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof
Journal Article
2019 Recycling Si-kerf from photovoltaics
Mesaritis, George; Symeou, Elli; Delimitis, Andreas; Oikonomidis, Sokratis; Jägle, Martin; Tarantik, Karina; Nicolaou, Christiana; Kyratsi, Theodora
Journal Article
2019 Purification by SPS and formation of a unique 3D nanoscale network: The showcase of Ni-Cr-S
Groß, Hendrik; Dankwort, Torben; Hansen, Anna-Lena; Schürmann, Ulrich; Düppel, Viola; Poschmann, Michael; Meingast, Arno; Groeneveld, Dennis; König, Jan D.; Bensch, Wolfgang; Kienle, Lorenz
Journal Article
2018 Thermoelectrics - next step in manufacturing
König, Jan D.
Journal Article
2018 Thermoelectric stability of Eu- and Na-substituted PbTe
Wang, Xinke; Veremchuk, Igor; Burkhardt, Ulrich; Bobnar, Matej; Böttner, Harald; Kuo, Chang Yang; Chen, Chien Te; Chang, Chun Fu; Zhao, Jingtai; Grin, Yuri
Journal Article
2018 Nanostructure features, phase relationships and thermoelectric properties of melt-spun and spark-plasma-sintered skutterudites
Kogut, Iurii R.; Nichkalo, Stepan I.; Ohorodniichuk, Viktroriia; Dauscher, Anne; Candolfi, Christophe; Masschelein, Philippe; Jacquot, Alexandre; Lenoir, Bertrand
Journal Article
2017 Thermoelectric Skutterudite/oxide nanocomposites
Moure, Alberto; Rull-Bravo, Marta; Abad, Begona; Campo, Adolfo del; Munoz Rojo, Miguel; Aguirre, Myriam Haydee; Jacquot, Alexandre; Fernandez, Jose F.; Martin-Gonzalez, Marisol
Journal Article
2017 Iron disilicide as high-temperature reference material for traceable measurements of Seebeck coefficient between 300 K and 800 K
Ziolkowski, Pawel; Boor, Johannes de; Stiewe, Christian; Druschke, Ines; Zabrocki, Knud; Edler, Frank; Haupt, Sebastian; König, Jan D.; Mueller, Eckhard R.
Journal Article
2017 Techniques for characterizing thermoelectric materials
Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Structural properties of the thermoelectric material CuCrS2 and of deintercalated CuxCrS2 on different length scales
Hansen, Anna-Lena; Dankwort, Torben; Groß, Hendrik; Etter, Martin; König, Jan D.; Düppel, Viola; Kienle, Lorenz; Bensch, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2017 Abwärme als Energiequelle
Bartholome, Kilian; König, Jan D.; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Balke, Benjamin
Journal Article
2016 Nanostructure, thermoelectric properties, and transport theory of V2VI3 and V2VI3/IV-VI based superlattices and nanomaterials
Dankwort, Torben; Hansen, Anna-Lena; Winkler, Markus; Schürmann, Ulrich; König, Jan D.; Johnson, David C.; Hinsche, Nicki; Zahn, Peter; Mertig, Ingrid; Bensch, Wolfgang; Kienle, Lorenz
Journal Article
2016 Chemical synthesis of iron antimonide (FeSb2) and its thermoelectric properties
Saleemi, Mohsin; Tafti, Mohsen Y.; Jacquot, Alexandre; Jägle, Martin; Johnsson, Mats; Toprak, Muhammet S.
Journal Article
2016 TEG2020 - Entwicklung modularer leistungsstarker und flexibel einsetzbarer thermoelektrischer Generatoren zur thermischen Rekuperation in Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und -anlagen. Teilprojekt: TE-Simulation, neues TE-Material und innovative TE-Module
König, Jan D.; Jägle, Martin; Bartholomé, Kilian
2016 Molecular Beam Epitaxy of IV-VI Compounds
Lambrecht, Armin; Weng, B.; Shi, Z.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Design, assembly and characterization of silicide-based thermoelectric modules
Skomedal, Gunstein; Homgren, Lennart; Middleton, Hugh; Eremin, I.S.; Isachenko, G.N.; Jägle, Martin; Tarantik, Karina; Vlachos, Nikolas; Manoli, Maria; Kyratsi, Theodora; Berthebaud, David; Dao Truong, Nhi Y.; Gascoin, Franck
Journal Article
2015 Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured thermoelectric FexCo1-xSb3
Tafti, Mohsen Yakshi; Saleemi, Mohsin; Toprak, Muhammet S.; Johnsson, Mats; Jacquot, Alexandre; Jägle, Martin; Muhammed, Mamoun
Journal Article
2015 Fabrication and comprehensive structural and transport property characterization of nanoalloyed nanostructured V2VI3 thin film materials
Winkler, Markus; Dankwort, Torben; Schürmann, Ulrich; Liu, Xi; König, Jan D.; Kienle, Lorenz; Bensch, Wolfgang; Böttner, Harald; Bartholome, Kilian
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Nanostructured SiGe thin films obtained through MIC processing
Lindorf, M.; Rohrmann, H.; Katona, G.L.; Beke, D.L.; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Albrecht, M.
Journal Article
2015 The synthesis, structure, and electrical characterization of (SnSe)(1.2)TiSe2
Merrill, D.R.; Moore, D.B.; Ditto, J.; Sutherland, D.R.; Falmbigl, M.; Winkler, M.; Pernau, H.-F.; Johnson, D.C.
Journal Article
2015 International round-robin study of the thermoelectric transport properties of an n-type half-Heusler compound from 300 K to 773 K
Wang, H.S.; Bai, S.Q.; Chen, L.D.; Cuenat, A.; Joshi, G.; Kleinke, H.; König, J.D.; Lee, H.W.; Martin, J.; Oh, M.W.; Porter, W.D.; Ren, Z.F.; Salvador, J.; Sharp, J.; Taylor, P.; Thompson, A.J.; Tseng, Y.C.
Journal Article
2015 Thermoelectric efficiency of (1-x)(GeTe)x (Bi2Se0.2Te2.8) and implementation into highly performing thermoelectric power generators
König, J.D.; Winkler, M.; Dankwort, T.; Hansen, A.-L.; Pernau, H.-F.; Duppel, V.; Jägle, M.; Bartholome, K.; Kienle, L.; Bensch, W.
Journal Article
2015 Temperature dependent structure stability studies on thermoelectric Yb0.025Fe0.3Co0.7Sb3
Tafti, Mohsen Y.; Saleemi, Mohsin; Johnsson, Mats; Jacquot, Alexandre; Toprak, Muhammet S.
Journal Article
2015 Long-time stability of Mg2(Si-Sn-Ge) - based thermoelectrics under large temperature gradient conditions
Burkov, A.T.; Konstantinov, P.P.; Fedorov, M.I.; Manoli, M.; Kyratsi, T.; Tarantik, Karina; Jägle, Martin
Journal Article
2015 Introduction. Focus Issue: Advances in Thermoelectric Materials II
Tritt, T.M.; Funahashi, R.; Böttner, H.
Journal Article
2015 Nanostructured thermoelectrics: Bi2Te3 / Sb2Te3 based superlattice systems fabricated by MBE and sputtering
Winkler, Markus
Doctoral Thesis
2015 Thermoelectric modules based on silicides - development and characterization
Tarantik, Karina; König, Jan D.; Jägle, Martin; Heuer, Jana; Horzella, Jan; Mahlke, Andreas; Vergez, Marc; Bartholome, Kilian
Journal Article
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