Thermal management

The cooling and temperature control of components and systems is playing an increasingly important role, particularly in the field of electronics. We offer solutions for thermal management based on heat pipes and Peltier coolers.


Heat pipes

Heat pipes are highly effective at transferring heat, making them particularly suitable for hot-spot cooling in electronics. We can develop and characterize heat pipes of various designs according to individual requirements.


Switchable heat pipes

For future applications including electromobility, thermal switches need to become more efficient and cost-effective. We are researching new concepts for heat switches based on heat pipes.


Peltier systems

We develop, build and characterize Peltier-based temperature control systems for specific applications. In addition, on our semi-automated module construction line, we manufacture customized Peltier modules in small series. 

Thermodynamic simulations

How do functional materials behave during heat and mass transfer in two-phase fluids? Thermodynamic simulations help us to understand such processes and optimize our system concepts.



Magnetic simulations

We use finite element method (FEM) simulations to optimally design permanent magnets for their respective applications.

Publications »Thermal management« (Selection as of 2020)

Publication Type
2024 Switchable Heat Pipes for Eco-Friendly Battery Cooling in Electric Vehicles: A Life Cycle Assessment
Illner, Maike; Thüsing, Kai; Nioac de Salles, Ana Claudia; Trettenhann, Anian; Albrecht, Stefan; Winkler, Markus
Journal Article
2024 Improved Switchable Heat Pipe Based on Adsorption: Against-Gravity Operation and Enhanced Dynamics
Boda, Simon; Winkler, Markus; Schießl, Robert; Teicht, Christian; Schwarz, Daniel; Schipper, Jan; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf; Pappert, Sandra
Journal Article
2024 Customized measuring station for Peltier modules
Binninger, Roland; Unmüßig, Sabrina; Vergez, Marc; Bartel, Markus; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf
Journal Article
2024 Calculation and Adjustment of the Activation Temperature of Switchable Heat Pipes Based on Adsorption
Teicht, Christian; Winkler, Markus; Boda, Simon; Schwarz, Daniel; Schipper, Jan; Polyzoidis, Angelos; Pappert, Sandra; Bartholome, Kilian
Journal Article
2023 Aus Wärme Strom machen
Bach, David; Winkler, Markus; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf
Journal Article
2023 Einfluss der Präparation auf die strukturellen und physikalischen Eigenschaften von Chromsulfiden
Groeneveld, Dennis
Doctoral Thesis
2023 Heatpipe-basierte Wärmeschalter für Energiesysteme
Teicht, Christian; Winkler, Markus
Journal Article
2023 Flat-Plate PHP with Gravity-Independent Performance and High Maximum Thermal Load
Winkler, Markus; Vergez, Marc; Mahlke, Andreas; Gebauer, Mathias; Müller, Phillip; Reising, Christoph; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf
Journal Article
2023 About the Impact of Defect Phases on the Thermoelectric Properties of Cr3S4-xSex
Groß, Hendrik; Groeneveld, Dennis; Poschmann, Michael; Schürmann, Ulrich; König, Jan; Bensch, Wolfgang; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Kienle, Lorenz
Journal Article
2022 Development and Examination of an Internally Switchable Thermosiphon
Voigt, Immanuel; Lütke, Niklas; Thüsing, Kai; Winkler, Markus; Drossel, Welf-Guntram
Journal Article
2022 Improved Thermal Switch Based on an Adsorption Material in a Heat Pipe
Winkler, Markus; Schipper, Jan; Teicht, Christian; Corhan, Patrick; Polyzoidis, Angelos; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf; Pappert, Sandra
Journal Article
2022 Time-dependent investigation of a mechanochemical synthesis of bismuth telluride-based materials and their structural and thermoelectric properties
Groeneveld, Dennis; König, Jan D.; Poschmann, Michael; Groß, Hendrik; Bensch, Wolfgang; Kienle, Lorenz; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2022 Verfahren zur Herstellung eines thermoelektrischen Moduls und thermoelektrisches Modul als Pressverband
Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf; Vetter, Uwe; Vergez, Marc; König, Jan
2022 Does Low-Level Substitution Aid in Improving Thermoelectric Properties? A Case Study of M0.1Ni0.9Cr2S4 (M = Mn, In)
Groß, Hendrik; Poschmann, Michael; Groeneveld, Dennis; König, Jan D.; Kienle, Lorenz; Bensch, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2022 Simulativer Vergleich tubularer Peltierelemente
Binninger, Roland; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf; Triebel, Florian; Polte, Mitchel; Uhlmann, Eckart
Journal Article
2022 Does a Low Amount of Substituents Improve the Thermoelectric Properties of Cr2-xMxS3 (M = Ti, V, Sn)?
Groß, Hendrik; Ekici, Yeliz; Poschmann, Michael; Groeneveld, Dennis; Dankwort, Torben; König, Jan; Bensch, Wolfgang; Kienle, Lorenz
Journal Article
2021 Wärmerohr, System und Verfahren zum Schalten und/oder Programmieren eines Wärmetransports
Kluge, Martin; Clade, Jürgen; Eberl, Christoph; Winkler, Markus; Wischerhoff, Erik; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf; Tutus, Murat; Krus, Martin
2021 Thermal Switch Based on an Adsorption Material in a Heat Pipe
Winkler, Markus; Teicht, Christian; Corhan, Patrick; Polyzoidis, Angelos; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf; Pappert, Sandra
Journal Article
2021 High Power Density Thermoelectric Generators with Skutterudites
El Oualid, Soufiane; Kogut, Iurii R.; Benyahia, Mohamed; Geczi, Eugen; Kruck, Uwe; Kosior, Francis; Masschelein, Philippe; Candolfi, Christophe; Dauscher, Anne; König, Jan D.; Jacquot, Alexandre; Caillat, Thierry; Alleno, Eric; Lenoir, Bertrand
Journal Article
2020 Synthesis, characterization and thermoelectric performance of Mg2(Si,Sn,Ge) materials using Si-kerf waste from photovoltaic technology
Mesaritis, George; Symeou, Elli; Delimitis, Andreas; Constantinou, Marios; Constantinides, Georgios; Jägle, Martin; Tarantik, Karina; Kyratsi, Theodora
Journal Article
2020 Van der Pauw device used to investigate the thermoelectric power factor
Haupt, Sebastian; Edler, Frank; Bartel, Markus; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof
Journal Article
2020 Small-Sized Pulsating Heat Pipes/Oscillating Heat Pipes with Low Thermal Resistance and High Heat Transport Capability
Winkler, Markus; Rapp, David; Mahlke, Andreas; Zunftmeister, Felix; Vergez, Marc; Wischerhoff, Erik; Clade, Jürgen; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf
Journal Article
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