Magnetic field measurements | Magnetically Shielded Room (MSR)

Magnetic fields can be detected inside objects by non-contact measurements from the outside, because magnetic fields, unlike electric fields, are virtually unshielded. This, however,  can be an obstacle for measurement systems based on magnetic field sensors, as all objects in our everyday environment generate magnetic fields (see figure). Therefore, it is important to carefully control the magnetic environment of such measuring systems.

Low-noise magnetic field measurements in a magnetically shielded room (MSR)

Fraunhofer IPM disposes of a state-of-the-art magnetically shielded room (MSR), which has been specially designed for low-noise magnetic field measurements. An excellent shielding effect for all frequencies is achieved by highly permeable materials: two shells of Mu metal for low-frequency shielding and an aluminium shell for high-frequency shielding. Due to the remanence of the Mu metal, it is necessary to demagnetise the MSR regularly to keep the static magnetic fields inside at a few nanotesla. At the core of the MSR (inner 1 m3), we achieve reproducible residual magnetic fields of about 1–2 nanotesla. In addition, the shielding effectiveness of the MSR increases significantly along with the frequency of the noise source. Hence, it is possible to subdue ambient noise sources by orders of magnitude in order to perform accurate measurements.

Available volume for low-noise measurements 2 m × 2 m × 2 m
Measurement range zero field up to 100 µT
Residual magnetic field intensity in the range of 1–2 nT
High frequency leakage detection tested according to NSA 65-6  


Flow measurement technology

Flow measurement using quantum sensors

We are developing a novel method for flow measurements using highly sensitive quantum sensors as detectors.



Quantum sensors for high-resolution measrements

Quantum based optically pumped magnetometers measure extremely accurately without the need for elaborate cooling.

Publications »Magnetometry«

Publication Type
2025 Fortschritte der magnetometrischen Durchflussmessung: Grundsatznachweis der Fließgeschwindigkeitsmessung und Einfluss des Strömungsprofils auf die RF-Pulseffizienz
Schmieder, Leonhard
Journal Article
2024 Fast Degaussing Procedure for a Magnetically Shielded Room
Koss, Peter; Voigt, Jens; Rasser, Ronja; Schnabel, Allard
Journal Article
2024 Magnetic Flow Metering with Optically Pumped Magnetometers
Schmieder, Leonhard; Koss, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Messvorrichtung und Verfahren zum Erfassen einer magnetischen Eigenschaft einer mechanisch belasteten Probe
Blug, Andreas; Laskin, Gennadii; Koss, Peter; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Straub, Thomas; Thomas, Akhil
2023 Quantum Magnetometry for Material Testing
Thiemann, Kerstin; Blug, Andreas; Bertz, Alexander
Conference Paper
2023 Quantum magnetometry with OPM: Novel applications in non-destructive testing?
Blug, Andreas; Thiemann, Kerstin; Philipp, Simon; Straub, Thomas; Bertz, Alexander
Conference Paper
2023 Quantum magnetometry as an enabling technology in the New Space domain
Busch, Stephan; Koss, Peter; Rother, Martin; Korte, Monika
Conference Paper
2023 Demonstration of an OPM flux guide scanner for high-resolution magnetic non-destructive testing
Thiemann, Kerstin; Blug, Andreas; Bertz, Alexander; Carl, Daniel
Conference Paper
2023 Magnetic Flow Metering with Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPM)
Schmieder, Leonhard; Koss, Peter; Kühnemann, Frank
Conference Paper
2023 Magnetic cleanliness verification of miniature satellites for high precision pointing
Busch, Stephan; Koss, Peter; Horch, Clemens; Schäfer, Konstantin; Schimmerohn, Martin; Schäfer, Frank; Kühnemann, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Noninvasive Magnetic-Marking-Based Flow Metering with Optically Pumped Magnetometers
Schmieder, Leonhard; Koss, Peter A.; Lambrecht, Armin; Kühnemann, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Mapping of the magnetic field to correct systematic effects in a neutron electric dipole moment experiment
Abel, C.; Ayres, N.J.; Ban, G.; Bison, G.; Bodek, K.; Bondar, V.; Chanel, E.; Chiu, P.-J.; Clément, B.; Crawford, C.B.; Daum, M.; Emmenegger, S.; Ferraris-Bouchez, L.; Fertl, M.; Flaux, P.; Fratangelo, A.; Griffith, W.C.; Grujić, Z.D.; Harris, P.G.; Hayen, L.; Hild, N.; Kasprzak, M.; Kirch, K.; Knowles, P.; Koch, H.-C.; Koss, Peter; Kozela, A.; Krempel, J.; Lauss, B.; Lefort, T.; Lemière, Y.; Mohanmurthy, P.; Naviliat-Cuncic, O.; Pais, D.; Piegsa, F.M.; Pignol, G.; Prashanth, P.N.; Quéméner, G.; Rawlik, M.; Ries, D.; Rebreyend, D.; Roccia, S.; Rozpedzik, D.; Schmidt-Wellenburg, P.; Schnabel, A.; Severijns, N.; Thorne, J.A.; Virot, R.; Weis, A.; Wursten, E.; Wyszynski, G.; Zejma, J.; Zsigmond, G.
Journal Article
2022 Using optically pumped magnetometers to identify initial damage in bulk material during fatigue testing
Thiemann, Kerstin; Blug, Andreas; Koss, Peter; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Laskin, Gennadii; Bertz, Alexander; Kühnemann, Frank; Straub, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Optically pumped magnetometer measuring fatigue-induced damage in steel
Koss, Peter A.; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Blug, Andreas; Laskin, Gennadii; Pawar, Omkar Satish; Thiemann, Kerstin; Bertz, Alexander; Straub, Thomas; Elsässer, Christian
Journal Article
2022 Materialprüfung mit optisch gepumpten Magnetometern
Blug, Andreas; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Straub, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Material Testing with Optically Pumped Magnetometers
Blug, Andreas; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Straub, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Quantenmagnetometrie hilft, Materialschädigungen früher zu detektieren
Bertz, Alexander
Journal Article
2021 Measuring Magneto-Mechanical Hysteresis during Fatigue Testing using Optically Pumped Magnetometers
Blug, Andreas; Koss, Peter A.; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Laskin, Gennadii; Bertz, Alexander; Kühnemann, Frank; Straub, Thomas
2021 ZULF-NMR Based Flow Metering
Schmieder, Leonhard; Koss, Peter A.; Kühnemann, Frank
2021 Johnson-Nyquist noise effects in neutron electric-dipole-moment experiments
Ayres, Nicholas J.; Ban, Gilles; Bison, Georg; Bodek, Kazimierz; Bondar, Vira; Chiu, Pin-Jung; Clément, Benoît; Crawford, Christopher B.; Daum, Manfred M.; Emmenegger, Solange; Fertl, Martin; Fratangelo, Anastasio; Griffith, W. Clark; Grujic, Zoran Dragan; Harris, Philip G.; Kirch, Klaus; Koss, Peter A.; Lauss, Bernhard; Lefort, Thomas; Mohanmurthy, Prajwal; Naviliat-Cuncic, Oscar; Pais, Duarte; Piegsa, Florian M.; Pignol, Guillaume; Rebreyend, Dominique; Rienäcker, Ingo; Ries, Dieter; Roccia, Stéphanie; Ross, Kim Ulrike; Rozpedzik, Dagmara; Schmidt-Wellenburg, Philipp; Schnabel, Allard G.; Severijns, Nathal; Shen, Bowei; Tavakoli Dinani, Reza; Thorne, Jacob A.; Virot, Romain; Yazdandoost, Noah; Zejma, Jacek; Zsigmond, Géza
Journal Article
2021 Optical-Magnetometry-Based Current Source
Koss, Peter A.; Dinani, Reza Tavakoli; Bienstman, Luc; Bison, Georg; Severijns, Nathal
Journal Article
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