Structural materials analysis by 3D computer tomography and scanning electron microscopy
The PHP is filled with the working fluid water; the tomograph illustrates the distribution of water with respect to liquid and gas phases – even with optically opaque walls. While in the tomograph, the PHP is heated with a coiled heating wire on the bottom side. As soon as the temperature gradient and thus the pressure gradient along the PHP reach a certain level, the pulsating movement of the fluid segments starts. Reducing the heater power causes the movement intensity of the segments to decrease accordingly.
With the valve open, liquid can flow inside the heat pipe; an effective heat transfer is realized. When closed, the heat pipe is »switched off«. The magnetic valve is in vacuum; it is moved and thus switched by an electromagnet attached to the heat pipe. The electromagnet's power supply is located in the X-ray chamber, allowing the switching process to be examined »live« as a moving X-ray image. The heat pipe wall is made of 1 mm thick stainless steel; in addition, the valve area is enclosed by a 5 mm thick sintered capillary structure made of copper. Despite the high wall thicknesses of these heavy materials, the setup can easily be X-rayed, making the inner mechanisms clearly visible. The live recordings prove the magnetic valve to be switchable by the electromagnet.